Personal Back Headrest Reinforcement Plate
Assembly,Installation and Operating Instructions
Kit No. 1049522
7. Unclamp the reinforcement plate and turn the Per-
sonal Back around in the vise.
Check all parts for shipping damage before using. In
caseofdamage, donotuse. Contactthedealerforfurther
8. Clamp the reinforcement plate to the outside of the
Personal Back, aligning holes on plate with holes
drilled in Personal Back.
The information contained in this document is subject to
change without notice.
9. Drill (from the outside of the Personal Back) the
BOTTOM two (2) corner holes with a
3/16-inch drill bit.
10. DrillmountingholesinPersonalBackfortheselected
headrest. Refer to FIGURE 2.
DO NOT insta ll, ma inta in or ope ra te this e quip-
ment without rea ding, understa nding, a nd follow-
ing the prope r Inva c a re instruc tions, othe rwise in-
jury or da ma ge ma y re sult.
11. Unclamp the reinforcement plate and turn Personal
Back around in vise.
Your thera pist a nd physicia n should be consulted
ifyou ha ve a ny questionsrega rding individua llimi-
ta tions a nd ne e ds.
12. MountreinforcementplateoninsideofPersonalBack
NOTE: Position heads of button head screws on the
inside of the backrest.
14, 16, 17, 18 AND 20-INCH
13. Secure reinforcement plate to Personal Back with
button head screws and hexnuts.
NOTE: Use appropriate holes in reinforcement plate for
mounting selected headrest.
NOTE: 13, 15 and 19-inch Personal Backs have an ex-
isting reinforcement plate.
1. Remove the Personal Back from the back canes.
2. Remove the zippered cover from the Personal Back.
3. Mount the Personal Back in bench vise with the front
facing you.
4. Push the foam of the Personal Back downward.
5. With hole closest to top edge in the middle of rein-
forcement plate (marked "A" - Refer to FIGURE 2)
align Personal Back (FIGURE 1) dimples on inside
with TOP two (2) corner holes of the reinforcement
plate. Clamp plate to Personal Back.
6. Drill (from the inside of the Personal Back) the
TOP two (2) corner holes with a 3/16-inch drill bit.
Form No. 94-148
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